Thursday, April 3, 2008

Picture Perfect

So everyone knows that I have an obsession with photographs of my kids. I roped Adam into going to Target one Thursday morning to get their pictures taken in their Easter Outfits. Well, it was a disaster... to start off we couldn't find one of Andrew's shoes. (That had to be a sign). We ended up running about 10 minutes late and still had to stop at Payless to buy Andrew some new church shoes. We got into the car I noticed that Andrew's hair wasn't done. I ran in to grab his gel before we took off. Payless didn't have the shoes I wanted so I ended up getting him sandals (which I took back later). We get to Target and I look down at my feet and notice I grabbed the Cetaphil and not the hair gel, I just laughed. We check in I run to purchase hair gel while Adam gets Andrew's shoes on and the s began to get sister pictures taken. Finally we get all the kids in the studio and Andrew is ready for his nap. We finally give him his milk and he downs the whole thing. Marshall being the stubborn kid he is isn't being cooperative either... KIDS! Sooo, the got a picture of all 4 kids one with Andrew screaming and one with his sippy cup in his mouth. We decided to let the that was there before us retry her pictures. After looking at the photos we asked if we could have one more try. The tells us NO because she has appointments for passport pictures coming and asked if I wanted to reschedule. I proceeded to tell her no way and that she was crazy to think that I would get the kids all ready again next week. So we left.

After we calmed down, OK after I calmed down we decided to head to Jordan River Temple to try a photo shoot of our own. Here are the results:

1 comment:

MissGlimpseBlogSpot said...

I can tell I have been out of town cause I have missed all these cute posts!