Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Gotta love the 80's!

When I was about 9 years old I had a pair of the cutest shoes in the world. I was really into rainbows and hearts. My shoes were VANS, all white with a rainbow across the front and a heart at the end of the rainbow. Did I mention they were my favorite shoes? One fine summer day in 1985 we were at Lake Powell on a summer vacation. We had just finished hiking at a place called Hole in the Rock. It is where the pioneers took apart their wagons and carried all their supplies down into the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I was so hot since my brother and cousin Kris drank all the root beer my Dad carried to the top for us. I was anxious to get into the water so I was throwing my shoes to my mom in the boat. One of them hit the side railing and plopped into the water. I started freaking out and my hero Dad (just like in the movies) ripped off his fanny pack (of course) and his sunglasses and dove in to save the shoe. I was an unsuccessful but noble try. Still today when we are at Lake Powell and we are crusing by Hole in the Rock I always ask my kids if they ever heard the story about my favorite shoes. They are starting to roll their eyes now when I ask them.

Hilary and I were in Famous Footwear the other day and guess what I found …


Unknown said...

How cool!

Mandi Arrington said...

That is great! You better not take that pair down there to Lake Powell!

Connie said...

You and Hilary should have bought them to match!!